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Knovox/Blue the Fox's Furmeet

Knovox/Blue the Fox's Furmeet
Start Date: Aug 30, 2015 03:00 PM
End Date: Aug 30, 2015 11:00 PM
Time Zone: America/Denver -06:00 MDT

Chinook Mall
6455 Macleod Trail SW
Calgary AB T2H 0K8

Posted By: Knovox

Confirmed Attendees: 3
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Official calendar post for the furmeet. Sorry for all the trouble and inconvenience and late notices.
-Starts at 3:30 PM. Show up anytime before then.
-Meet at the metal dinosaur in Chinook Mall. That is where we will start.
-The meet can carry on as long as the people want it.
-Blue the Fox is the host of the meet, and he can do what he wants to do, but mainly what the attendees want to do.
-Please bring money. We are at a mall, and you will get hungry and stuff.

Message me, or Blue the Fox for any concerns or questions. Have fun!